3 Easy Ways to Feel More Charismatic and Confident in Photos and Life

I often hear that I show up confidently when I walk into a room or online. I am going to let you in on a little secret, though: it takes a lot of practice for me to feel this confident, and it doesn't come naturally. What I have realized, though, is that in my line of work, personal branding photography, confidence is crucial. I need to show up as an authority and expert in my field so people will trust that I can help them because I can. I love what I do, and I love helping my clients.

I bet the same goes for you. No matter what your goal is—to build a megabrand or to sustain your current business—you have a lot to offer.

But if you don’t have confidence in yourself, how will others believe in you?

Luckily for me (and you), confidence is not a fixed state. You can learn how to show up more charismatically.

In order to help you on your journey, here are three things you can do right now to elevate your personal brand and feel more charismatic and confident.



Here’s one way I do this: I keep an accomplishment jar on my work desk, with a pen and sticky notes. Every time I do something I am proud of, from landing an ideal client for a photography session to donating or volunteering at a non-profit organization, I take note and add it to the jar.

Then, when I am feeling low or down on myself, I take out some of the notes and read them.

It reminds me that I can achieve my big dreams and goals and gives me confidence to move forward.



In addition to writing down accomplishments, investing in my education and personal development has really helped me feel energized and empowered.

My master's degree in communications, project management certification (PMP), and photography instruction from a mentor provided me with the skills I needed to launch a side business that eventually led to a full-time position managing my personal branding photography business.

Bonus: I also love reading personal development books that motivate me to think big, like:

You are a Badass by Jen Sincero

We Should All be Millionaires by Rachel Rodgers 

Mindset by Carol Dweck 

These all help me focus on my dreams so I can move forward and show up more confidently.



You have probably heard that people decide within 7 seconds of meeting you, visiting your company's website, or reading your online profile, whether they like you or not. 

Rather than being discouraged or distressed by this statistic, you can use it to your advantage.

here are several little things you can easily do to impact the first impression you leave on others, and they all impact your confidence as well.

  1. Have great posture. Your posture impacts how others see you and how you see yourself. In fact, poor posture can restrict breathing which increases stress levels in your brain. If you want to feel more confident, pull those shoulders back and pull that chin up slightly. 

  2. Smile. Yes, that’s it. Smiling releases neuropeptides (I like to call them party peeps) in your brain that not only help you feel at ease but also help others feel at ease in your presence. I often encourage my clients to smile for the camera, not because it looks good but because it feels good, which is great during a personal branding session or headshot. It’s also great for building confidence.

  3. Create your own style and self-care routine that feels fun and authentic to you. Whenever I wear an outfit that feels really fun, I naturally feel more excited about where I am going and what I am doing. The inverse of this is also true: when I don’t know what to wear or I am tired of my "go-to" fit, I usually feel stressed and tired before whatever I am doing. That translates to your confidence.

    This is why I have my clients work with a personal stylist before their photoshoots. I want them to feel really excited and energized when they show up, because that translates into confidence on camera.

    It is also why I go to Dry Bar before a conference or event. I love the way I feel when my hair is professionally done and when I am taking care of myself. I then bring that energy with me to the rooms I am in. This also helps me feel more energized and helps me show up more confidently because I am not pouring from an empty cup.


Being confident is not a fixed state; it's an ongoing process that you decide to show up for each day.

If you are willing to take just a few small steps and give yourself a little grace as you learn, you can change the way you perceive yourself and the way others perceive you.

I would love to hear which of these tips are most helpful and which one you will try.

About Nichole -

For the last 3 years, my purpose has been to create professional headshots and branded photography for ambitious women so they feel motivated to serve their communities and confident about achieving their dreams and goals. I share tips and tricks for photography and personal branding on my blog regularly.


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